Since its inception in 1995 PAVAN CARGO PVT LTD., had earned great reputation as a Heavy Cranes Hirer.The company has executed dredging projects in the past and also presently executing a dredging project. The company is a competitive , high technology-oriented player that strives to conduct its business in full compliance with international safety, management and quality standards. Headquartered in Visakhapatnam, India the Company is expanding its activities rapidly in India and the Middle East through the strategy of selecting the best international partners in the appropriate sector. Since its inception in 1995 PAVAN CARGO PVT LTD had earned great reputation as a HEAVY CRANES HIRER & EQUIPMENT ERECTOR covering Refineries, Fertilizer, cement, Power plants, Petro chemicals, & Steel Plants. The company has a fleet of cranes Ranging from 40 to 300 tons capacity.
Registered Owner Name: Padmasree Sabapathy
Phone Number: 8912733989