West Bengal, Kolkata
Integrated Facility Management, Delta Force Management, SaniCure Service, Pest Management Services, Chauffeur Management, Culinary Management Service, Supply Chain Management, People Transport & Logistics, Repair & Maintenance Service, Audit Management Service, Event Management Service, Last Mile Delivery, Premier Property Management, Outsourcing of Manpower & Payroll System, Currency Management Solutions, Consultancy for Erection & Commissioning, Fire Prevention & Evacuation.
The Solutions we provide today impacts millions of people everyday. We are a smart and fast evolving professional Integrated Facility & Security Management company with over 25 years of experience and headquartered at Kolkata, India with over 1100 employees working with us. AFMPL is a one-stop organization for all kinds of facility services, ranging from Security, Housekeeping, Maintenance & Service Support, Electronic Security, Plumber, Electrician, Chauffeur, Pest Control, Sanitization, LMD etc. and also provide various range of customized miscellaneous services. A beacon of quality, reliability and customized service yet discreet.
Registered Owner Name: Supravat Chakraborty
Phone Number: 03340295774
wwwWebsite: info@aryangroupindia.com
Email-ID: info@aryangroupindia.com