Rajasthan, Jaipur
Our expertise is geared to design and supply any type of Control Switchgear Panels. We are constantly, guided by creativity, keep on adding flexibilities and innovative features by various permutations and combinations in various Panels to improve their functioning and utility. These have not only provided the products efficient functioning and perfection but has also helped conserve valuable foreign exchange by not importing similar items or the technical know how. Our products have been acknowledged as world class. We also provide convincing and practical solutions to any electrical problem or process faced by an industry or for improvement in functioning of their existing electrical installations. One cannot provide a universal definition of quality for satisfaction of all. But JOHNS has, with its steady growth over these long years, proved that it has the requisite expertise and capability to design and manufacture every Panel to the entire satisfaction of each Patron.
Rajasthan, Jaipur
Third Party Manufacturing of Allopathic Medicines. Marketing prescription based allopathic medicines 25+ Years industry experience
Rajasthan, Jaipur
Gaurav Kumar Singh the CEO and Founder at AnavClouds Software Solutions, he is an expert in delivering the best Salesforce CRM focused solutions. With a thorough knowledge of the Sales and Service Clouds, he has delivered business benefits to a variety of clients across verticals. He has over seven years of experience as a Salesforce Consultant, which has helped him gain expertise in unleashing the full potential of the world’s no. one CRM platform for business growth and customer satisfaction. Prior to laying the foundation of AnavClouds Software Solutions, Gaurav worked as a Salesforce Consultant and Evangelist. He has hands-on experience in providing complete Sales and Service Cloud solutions, including strategy, set up, configuration, integration and implementation, data migration and support options. Gaurav holds a Master’s degree in Animation and VFX from a leading Canadian University. He is passionate about technology, business, innovations and the latest advancements happening around the world.
Rajasthan, Jaipur
Automobile Speciality Chemicals, House Keeping Products & Machines.